Now Shopping: Earrings
Mother of pearl coin earrings
Mother of pearl earrings
Mother of pearl stacked coin earrings
Mother of pearl stacked coin earrings
Mother of pearl stacked coin earrings
Gold post earrings with green, pink, and blue crystals
Blue and green dangle earrings
Druzy dangle earrings (4 options)
Gold 'druzy' dangle earrings (2 options)
Wooden painted butterfly earrings
Brass butterfly dangle earrings
Steel owl filigree drop earrings
Gold tassel earrings
Copper and brass tassel earrings
Pearl and gold frame earrings
Pink, green, or gold hoop earrings
Red hoop earrings (3 options)
Red hoop earrings (2 options)
Neon orange or yellow hoop earrings
Christmas wreath charm earrings