Now Shopping: Necklaces
30" antique silver finish kettle clock pendant
Kettle clock pendant
20" gemstone drops necklace
20" fall branch necklace
25" lip shell necklace
30" shell heishi necklace
25" rainbow shell heishi necklace
25" brown coconut heishi bead necklace
19.5" wood bead necklace
25" sea urchin heishi bead necklace
35" hemalyke necklace
28" golden lip shell necklace
14,5" black, yellow, white, and red bead choker
23" black and white necklace
18" black and blue necklace
18" blues necklace
30" pearl and gold necklace
16" wood necklace
20" orange mother of pearl stars necklace
23" black and red bead necklace